Author: DhammaSeeker
So Heather and I went to see Prince last night. The show was phenomenal. The horn section was tight beyond belief. True musicianship at its finest. Which, at the price we paid for the tickets, I'm pleased we got our value. I was a dumb shit and didn't bring any ear plugs because Heather shamed me out of it. My ears are still not back to normal 17 hours later. I can detect some mild improvement, but I'm annoyed at myself. Next time the ear plugs are a must.
the reality of personal relationship
“Do not depend on the hope of results. You may have to face the fact that your work will be apparently worthless and even achieve no result at all, if not perhaps results opposite to what you expect. As you get used to this idea, you start more and more to concentrate not on the results, but on the value, the rightness, the truth of the work itself. You gradually struggle less and less for an idea and more and more for specific people. In the end, it is the reality of personal relationship that saves everything.” ~ Thomas Merton
Too Much
I'm thoroughly disgusted and dissatisfied with my body. I have a self-image problem, and I admit it, but I also have a weight problem. I lost a little more than 30 lbs. since January 2004, but in late July/early August, I've gained 5 of them back. My mind knows that I shouldn't eat some of the things that I do, or at least not in the quantities that I do, but I have become too weak to control my impulses yet again.
I hereby vow to follow the rules:
(1) No eating anything after 7:00 p.m.
(2) Severely restrict refined sugars of all kinds
(3) Exercise at least 3 times a week
I want to buy new clothes in December, and I want them to be smaller.
Too Long Me No Read
This is for you know who. Your posts are too long. I can't read them. My time is too valuable, and besides, all I hear when I try to read your posts is the voice of the teacher in the Peanuts cartoons, to wit, “wanh wanh, wanh wanh wanh, wanh wanh, wanh.”
Shorten it up, dude.
Bathroom Cell Phone Etiquette
So went into the mens room at one point today and there was a guy sitting in a stall, presumably doing some business, and he was talking on the phone. This is roughly the progression of thought that went through my head: “Wow, I'd never talk to anyone while sitting on the can. Whoa, this dude is in a public bathroom. Should I pee quietly? Oh hell, let's try to embarrass the poor sap. {FLUSH} I wonder what the person on the other end is saying right about now?” And to top it off, he was talking about where he was going to eat dinner, and he suggested Mexican food. Dude, I think you might want to reconsider your position.
So I had my recurring tornado dream again last night. This time I was in a house thaw was a combination of my old house on Shawnee Drive and something else. There were all these latent, black, opaque tornado forms lurking everywhere. The scary part about these things is that they float around – some rotate slowly, some don't – but you never know when one of them is going to crank up and start hoovering. That's never happened in my dreams, but it's the possibility that instills the fear in me. I welcome any and all interpretations – professional or otherwise.
Experiment successful
I have successfully determined that I am perfectly capable of procrastinating at work with or without the IRC open on my secondary machine. I deliberately refrained from turning it on this morning to see if I could actually get to work any faster. But lo, here it is nearly two hours after I arrived, and I'm still pissing around.
Numero Uno
So here it is. The inaugural post of yet another online journal. We'll see how this one goes.
Poop is my night tonight. As I’m getting my third son (8 1/2 months) out of the bath tub, he decides it is an appropriate time to drop a few nuggets in the bath water. Since the other two were already out, it wasn’t such a big deal.
However, as I’m struggling to get a diaper on the 8 1/2 month old, my oldest (4 years old) runs by reporting that the middle son (almost 2 years old) has pooped on himself and the floor. In my bedroom no less.
And yes, upon immediate inspection, there was poop on my son and all over the floor, which I promptly cleaned up. First off my son, then off the floor while the house monkeys were quarantined in another room.
Fatherhood is grand. Time to feed the baby.