Note to rock stars

My allergies are worse in England than anywhere else in the world! I remember I was signing autographs and as the kids were coming down the line my face was bright red and I was sneezing all over the autographs. I was just miserable!

Note to rock stars: Don’t refer to your fans as ‘kids’. It alienates a significant portion of the fan base who might just turn their attention elsewhere. Oh wait….

3 thoughts on “Note to rock stars”

  1. Ever wonder why young’ans are called ‘kids’? It’s straight outta the Satanic Illuminati playbook! Kids are baby goats! :p heh. I’m 25 and know way too much and feel too old anymore. I will always love Ev, but I don’t know what I’d ever do without bands like Pink Floyd and the Ozark Mountain Daredevils! 😉

    “It’s in your heart, not your head…and you got to sing and sing and sing!”

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