New Internet tech transmits data at 26 terabytes per second New Internet tech transmits data at 26 terabytes per second
PolarPlot[(1 0.9 Cos[8 t]) (1 0.1 Cos[24 t]) (0.9 0.05 Cos[200 t]) (1 Sin[t]), {t, -Pi, Pi}] – Wolfram|Alpha PolarPlot[(1 0.9 Cos[8 t]) (1 0.1 Cos[24 t]) (0.9 0.05 Cos[200 t]) (1 Sin[t]), {t, -Pi, Pi}] – Wolfram|Alpha
Cremation urns that look like the dear departed – Boing Boing Cremation urns that look like the dear departed – Boing Boing
Double your birthday fun after Samoa time-zone move – This Just In – Blogs Double your birthday fun after Samoa time-zone move – This Just In – Blogs
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Director of Counterterrorism Audrey Tomason Photoshopped out of situation room photo in Der Tzitung newspaper: Wait……..what??? Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Director of Counterterrorism Audrey Tomason Photoshopped out of situation room photo in Der Tzitung newspaper: Wait……..what???
New Japanese Fashion Accessory: Cat Ears That Move In Response To Your Feelings New Japanese Fashion Accessory: Cat Ears That Move In Response To Your Feelings
Japanese lab invents Internet kissing machine – Japanese lab invents Internet kissing machine –