Tag: Stones on the Path
The only way to truly love other people in your life is to love yourself first. Otherwise, your relationships are nothing more than attempts to validate yourself through the feelings of others.
The only way to truly love other people in your life is to love yourself first. Otherwise, your relationships are nothing more than attempts to validate yourself through the feelings of others.
The Journal of Joe The Peacock. Yay.: Generate Your Own Warmth
Wishful thinking is not a substitute for action, but myopic thinking prevents meaningful action. Visionary thinking and integral action are a good recipe.
Wishful thinking is not a substitute for action, but myopic thinking prevents meaningful action. Visionary thinking and integral action are a good recipe.
Karl Baba
The Top Five Regrets Of The Dying
be humble for you are made of earth be noble for you are made of stars
via @netk
a day without laughter is a day wasted
Why Regret Makes Buying Experiences Better than Buying Stuff | Psychology Today
Our world, and our lives, are fragile; we’re here for but a moment and bound in ways we can’t even imagine to the people, spaces, and nature that surround us; and true beauty is marveling at the complex majesty of the human experience.
Our world, and our lives, are fragile; we\’re here for but a moment and bound in ways we can\’t even imagine to the people, spaces, and nature that surround us; and true beauty is marveling at the complex majesty of the human experience.
Why TED and Burning Man Are More Similar Than You Think | Inc.com
Morning Blessing by John Halcyon Styn via HugNation
confronting sublime beauty
Week beginning December 29
Copyright 2011 by Rob Brezsny
http://FreeWillAstrology.comCAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In Botticelli’s painting The Birth of
Venus, the goddess of beauty and love is shown arriving on dry land for
the first time after having been born in the ocean. Naked, she is trying to
cover her private parts with her hand and thigh-length hair. Her
attendant, a fully clothed nymph, is bringing a cloak to cover her up.
Analyzing this scene, art critic Sister Wendy suggests it’s actually quite
sad. It symbolizes the fact that since we humans can’t bear the
confrontation with sublime beauty, we must always keep it partly hidden.
Your assignment in the coming year, Capricorn, is to overcome this
inhibition. I invite you to retrain yourself so that you can thrive in the
presence of intense, amazing, and transformative beauty.