Thumbs Down for Millersville University

MySpace Photo Costs Teacher Education Degree
Teacher Sues For Diploma And Damages

…Teacher in training Stacy Snyder was denied her education degree on the eve of graduation when Millersville University apparently found pictures on her MySpace page “promoting underage drinking.” As a result, the 27-year-old mother of two had her teaching certificate withheld and was granted an English degree instead. In response, Snyder has filed a Federal lawsuit against the Pennsylvania university asking for her education diploma and certificate along with $75,000 in damages.

So what, you’re probably asking yourself, could have been in this picture that was so abhorrent as to make Stacy Snyder unworthy of teaching children? Was she force-feeding a 6-year-old bourbon from a bottle or spiking a middle school dance’s punch? Not even close. The picture in question turned out to be of her at a Halloween party in 2005 dressed as a pirate and drinking an indeterminate liquid “from a plastic ‘Mr. Goodbar’ cup.” But underneath was a caption which read “Drunken Pirate” and that caption apparently lead faculty to assume she was too “unprofessional” to educate young minds. Word was sent to the Millersville administration, and Snyder’s “lifelong dream” of being a teacher ended less than a day before being achieved….

Seriously. WTF.

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